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Hey there! :) My name is Kelsey. I was born and raised in Colorado and absolutely adore the state. Colorado is home. However, with that being said, I also LOVE traveling. My soul is happiest whilst traveling and venturing to new places where I can soak up every bit of new sights, smells, food, people, cultures, and moreover, experiences. I have always been a very adventurous, creative gal who is constantly taking in and trying to capture all of those wonderful moments; which brings me to the next thing that I love - photography.


You see, a photograph is so much more than "just" a picture. It is a frozen moment of time, a memory. And as much as I have also always equally loved writing - a photograph doesn't need words to depict a story and express all of the emotion behind it; a photograph SHOWS those things, and there is something uniquely beautiful about that. 

Growing up, I was always taking pictures of the randomness that is "childhood" - myself blowing hubba bubba gum (lol), up-close pictures of dead leaves that I thought looked cool (lol again), my friends and I jumping up in the air having the time of our lives... Then I started taking trips out of state and started photographing those memories and realized that I did not have enough storage space on my phone to take pictures of every.single.thing that I looked at... So as the years passed, I gradually learned how to capture the "right" images while traveling that can express just how I am feeling at that moment while sharing it with others. Finally, a huge passion of mine is videography while traveling. I very much enjoy putting together videos of my adventures with the love of my life (Justin) and letting my creativity produce something amazing.


As for what I am into right now... I have realized that I want to portray photos of individuals to make them feel as special as possible. I love, love. I love fashion. I love landscapes and cityscapes. And I love dogs. So this is me. :) Contact me for any questions or inquiries. I truly look forward to getting to know you and photographing your story, your interest, and showcasing your raw, candid emotions.

XX - Kelsey 


ColoRADo based photographer. 


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